Hello! Welcome to

Calvary Chapel

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"You shall love the Lord your God with all your hears, with all your sould, and with all your mind."
Matthew 22:37

About Us

We teach book by book, verse by verse, through the bible with the mission of showing the teachings and love of Jesus to the community.

We're located at Baja Mar 3 #67, Palma Real Homex. We'd love to meet you!

Our Team

Meet the leaders at your church!


Eddie Mijares

Executive Pastor

Eddie Mijares is the executive pastor at Calvary Chapel Homex. He has been serving the community at Homex and at the dump for the last four years.


Betty Arellano


Betty Arellano is the leader of the morning prayer groups. Betty is the contact person if you have any doubt or question outside of the operating hours of the church.


Monica and Lorena


Monica and Lorena are the leaders of the children's club, Saturdays in the morning from 10am to 12am.

Subscribe to Our Newsletter

Stay up to date on the great things that God is doing in Homex through our bimonthly newsletter.

Our Meetings

Join us at our meetings!

Weekly Studies

Women's Bible Study Monday 6:30pm

Led by Jeanette Mijares

Men's Bible Study Thursday 7:00pm

Led by Eddie Mijares

Morning Prayer Monday 6:30am

Led by Betty Arellano

Life Group Wednesday 6:30pm

Led by Monica Rivera
Community Service

Go and serve Friday 4:00pm

Led by Eddie Mijares
Sunday Service

Sunday Service 1:30pm

Led by Eddie Mijares